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We welcome your contributions to these best practice documents! If you would like to contribute to the development of the pages within this repository, you have the following options:

  1. Navigate to GitHub repository, fork the repository, make edits or add content, and then make a pull request
  2. Edit the best practice documents directly in GitHub and submit a pull request using the steps below
  3. Create an issue in the GitHub Repository and post your suggested edits or content in that issue.
  4. Send us an email at with your suggested edits or content

For options 1 - 3 you will need a GitHub account. If you don't have one already, you'll need to go to to create a user account. If you don't have experience with GitHub already, we suggest that you use the directions below to make your edits directly in GitHub or just shoot us an email.

Editing Best Practice Documents Directly in GitHub

When you navigate to the individual pages within the best practices documentation, you will see a pencil icon at the top of the page. To edit the page, do the following:
1. Click the pencil icon at the top of the page:


  1. You will be taken to the markdown document in the GitHub repository where you can make changes to the page. To edit the page, click on the pencil icon and then select "Edit in Place"


  1. You will then see a message that tells you that you need to fork the respository. Click the green button that says "Fork this Repository".


  1. You'll then see the page you requested to edit has been placed in edit mode. You can make your changes by editing the content or adding new content to that document.


  1. When you are finished making changes, click the green button at the top that says "Commit Changes".


  1. You'll see a "Propose changes" window that pops up. In that window, you can leave the "Commit Message" as it is and add a brief description of what you did in the "Extended description" box and then click the green "Propose Changes" button:


  1. This will create a pull request in the GitHub repository and the repository managers will be notified that you have made changes. Someone will review the changes that you made for inclusion. When your changes are accepted, the content you added will get merged with our develop branch and will then be live at